Retro Software

Below is a list of available software:

  • Minihost Retro v1.125: Android application. Zip file containing all necessary files. Send files from Linux, Cygwin, or Bitvise SSH servers to your phone. Execute commands and scripts on your server from your phone. Shell script put in remote ~/minihost folder. Shell script zipfiles.bat put in remote c:\users\username\minihost folder. Documentation readme file. Minihost.apk android installation file. Download from the Google Play Store. Here is the Privacy Policy.
  • MX1/CMD: TRS-80 Model I. TRS-80 Model I assembler program to configure an Epson MX-80 printer.
    Written in 1978 with source.
  • GreaseweazleGUI: Windows and Linux applications. GUI wrapper for Keir Fraser’s “Tools and USB interface for accessing a floppy drive at the raw flux level”
  • FreHD Boot Floppies: TRS-80 Models I, III, 4. LDOS boot disks for the FreHD Hard Drive Emulator
  • DSDD 80TRK Boot disks for LDOS 5.31 and Newdos-80: TRS-80 Model I
  • Atari 800 Disks: Various Atari 800 ATR images from my personal collection.
  • Osborne CPM Gotek Floppies: Osborne 1 A collection of disks converted to .HFE files for the Gotek floppy emulator.
  • KickWork Boot Floppy: Amiga 1000 A KickStart boot disk also containing a scaled down version of Workbench 1.3

Demo’s of Retro Software